FEBRUARY 24 - 26

This is your Invitation to SHIFT

I love you. You and I have done some amazing things together. However, lately I have become a little discouraged and demotivated. I am not in the place where I once imagined I would be and I am not sure I know how to get there, BUT I do know we need change and we need it now; we are not living to our fullest potential.
work much harder than others in all of our relationships.
stay late at work and earn less.
are always tired and exhausted.
have lessened our standards and settle for less when we clearly know we deserve more.
wake up, work, eat, sleep and repeat.
give, give some more and give again, and never ask for anything in return.
But now we are ready for change!
If you have a mental letter that loops in your mind similar to the one above then you are ready for SHIFT to happen. As a matter of fact shift has been going on for too long without you, and that is some bullshift!
Relationships are EVERYTHING.We have relationships with friends, family, our finances, our job, our boss and our Maker. At the root ALL relationships have one thing in common, YOU. If you are a fed up with negative relationships and are committed to personal growth and change, this is the event for you. I invite you to explore a new version of you...YOU 3.0!
Join me for a colossal 3-day experience that guarantees, financial, professional, emotional, physical, and personal transformation.
If you’re reading this, chances are that you’re someone who has been longing to make a bigger contribution. You want to be bigger, bolder, make a difference in the world, and build authentic, healthy relationships in which you are valued, respected, and understood. If so, then I have an important question for you…
What does SHIFT feel like? When shift does happen? What do I do?
...Ok, well three questions...In any event, Despite the fact that we have tremendous gifts and talents to offer, self-doubt can be most frightful. We want the freedom to do what we love. And the power and authority to live the lifestyle we want to live. We often lack the fortitude and power to change. It can be frustrating, because when you take an honest look inside, we often fail to identify next steps to improve our relationship with our self, which ultimately leads to getting our lives on track.
Are any of these true about your relationship and your lifestyle?
You work much harder than you want to, and earn less than you’re worth?
You feel like you’re spinning your wheels because your relationship, job and career is in the same place that it was 1 year ago?
You feel exhausted and frustrated by your friends, colleagues, or life partner – and don’t know how to “fix” it?
You lack a clear focused plan that could put you into action and shift your life to a whole new level of income and freedom?
You know that with the right guidance, you could achieve great things in your life?
If you answered “Yes” to one or more of these statements, then you’re in the right place and I invite you to join me for…

FEBRUARY 24-26 in Asheville, North Carolina
Experience Your Own RelationShift to Fulfilling Success, in Love, Finances, Family and LIFE!
Join us for an Impactful 3-day Highly-Experiential, Hands-On Development Workshop that Combines the Power of Wellness Sciences, Life-Coaching Strategies and Intrapersonal Life-Altering Transformation.

What does it mean to make a RelationSHIFT?
What does “Shift” feel like? When does it happen? When it does happen, what do I do?
5 Key Transformation Take-aways: What will you learn at the RelationSHIFT Experience:
Attract your soul’s mate.
Create more time in a day for your own well-being.
A formula for success: move from the Vicious Cycle to a Virtuous Cycle™.
A deeper connection to your highest self.
How to be authentic in every relationship.
The RelationSHIFT Experience is an opportunity to live life at a higher frequency. It allows your awareness to blossom into being and transforms your life dramatically: your environment, friends, community, and income will transform for the better. The result is that you obtain more abundance, time, joy, fulfillment, calm and tranquility in your life!
The 7 transformation shifts that will empower your life!
Transformation #1:
Transform your understanding of your REAL value, not your perceived one.
Transformation #2:
Transform to living from your C.O.R.E Values, not your heart and definitely NOT your brain.
Transformation #3:
Transform romantic love to Tantric love and learn a closely guarded Tantric secret. Not for couples only!
Transformation #4:
Transform your locus of control -- perspective is everything.
Transformation #5:
Transform from passive communication to Empathic communication.
Transformation #6:
Transform from learning to 'Submit' and learn to 'Surrender'.
Transformation #7:
Transform your energy, focus your energy to the one most deserving...YOU!
If you are a fed up with negative relationships, if you are a man or woman who is committed to personal growth and positive change this is the event for you:



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As a radio host and writer for one of the Nation's leading newspapers stress and community activism take there toll. i

Our organization of fellows were suffering from Compassion Fatigue. Many experienced health threats, divorce, and stress to overwork and putting themselves last. After participating in a RelationShift Master Class, we turned self-defeat into self-care and used our tools to foster immediate change and positive results. Today our organization is stronger and more aware than ever before.
-Benjamin Evans
3 Reasons why The RelationSHIFT Experience is the most important event of your life…

You Will Receive My Personal Steps To Improving Personal And Professional Relationships.
How did I meet my Soul’s mate after living 34 frustrated years on earth? How did I answer my life’s true callings?
You won’t have time to write me and thank me, you will be too busy on the new path that life had waiting for you. The “frontline.” is an active place. Purpose work never ceases and connection is constant..Think electricity! The good news is that your connectivity is now tied to your economic worth so you will be burning and earning at the same time.
You Will Increase Your Local, National And Global Network Immediately! This event is attended by powerful, transformational people just like you. There is nothing like community and you joined a community the minute you signed up. The lovely pranas that you meet at RelationShift will become life long collaborators and supports. You all will support, encourage and revisit one another again and again. Not to mention sign up for other RelationShift events in the future!
Changa Please insert A Title Here
Most important, you will laugh, laugh some more, smile, cry tears of joy and have FUN meeting new and exciting people.

The Omni Grove Park Hotel & Resort

Musical Performances
"Have your Best Life" Experience
highest elevation point east of the Mississippi
Metaphoric Climb Up Mt. Mitchell
Inspirational Guest Speakers
Networking Reception

The RelationShift
Pre-Requisite Course!
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Introducing the RelationShift Coaches
Meet Your Team

The RelationShift Experience: 3 Day Live

Will there be a livestream or recording?

Describe your image.

Describe your image.

Describe your image.

Describe your image.

Describe your image.
This is not the event where you will learn how to get your boyfriend back, make a little more money, and avoid dealing with problems at work by leaving.
What you will learn and do at The RelationShift Experience will....
So, if your soul is longing...
Then join us for Your RelationShift!
Changa Bell
Any Questions? Email us at soulspot@changabell.com
Are You Ready To Shift to a Higher Level in 2017?

OUR promise