Like many people, I came to my wellness journey from a place of illness. I was sick so often that my constant state of sickness was the norm! When I experienced a day of no mucus in my sinuses or bloating in my stomach I was amazed, and often tried (unsuccessfully) to recreate that feeling either later that day or for the remainder of the week. As common culture dictates or more specifically as my Naturopathic doctor mandated, I began a healthy dose of vitamins to right my previous path of self-destruction. I can’t disparage the use of vitamins or supplements whole heartedly. Whether it was merely a placebo effect or they actually worked, the fact of the matter is that the process of investing in vitamins (especially organic, vegan and high IU vitamins) is very expensive! Because I was shelling out so much money to get back to a space of “health” I developed an acute awareness of it, or better yet an awareness of the the lack of health. I started to see a connection, a correlation of my spending actions directly to my health! In other words, if I was spending $150 per weekend night getting lit at the club and only $60/week on health shakes there is an inherent imbalance. And note that this $300 weekend expenditure doesn’t include the 4 or 5 burgers and fries that week for lunch or the “occasional” beer, wine or happy hour with a friend that week. The burgers, fries and alcohol were definitely the reason I was now in a stack (aka $1000) deep with the Naturopath!
Let’s step back for a moment and gain some context. There are many misunderstandings about vitamins, supplements, probiotics, etc. The simplest way to explain is that Vitamins must be FDA approved, supplements do not have to be and are a self-regulatory industry. Probiotics are neither vitamin or supplement, they are organisms that you ingest. Multivitamins are still vitamins, but vary greatly in terms of amount and quality. (Just like a drug, it depends on the quality of the product and what you cut it with.) I digress again! You can take the Northeast Baltimore kid out of the street, but the street will always show up in his speech. At least it does in my case!
In any event, do your research and ask professionals: health coaches, Naturopathic Doctors, Herbal Medicine Practitioners, Health Food Store owners, people who will have a vast knowledge of supplements throughout years of experience to help guide you away from dangers, like allergy and overdose. And journal to keep record of what works with and not against your body. This will prove providential down the line when you are raising kids or spouse to help aid them in need. (that’s right, we raise our spouses too!)
You might be asking yourself, where is this coming from when we were supposed to be discussing vitamins! I simply wanted to highlight the inverse perspective of taking vitamins. Vitamins are supplements, not lifestyles. But the way they are marketed makes it seem ok — that it is ok to eat no whole foods that are packed with vitamins and minerals naturally and to simply supplement the loss. Or even moreover, like in our Western culture of over achieving, we eat supplements with supplement shakes, muscle inducing hormones and skinless, unseasoned meats! Still not a good thing to do. Vitamins are man’s way to crank up nature to support the lack in your body. But it is the momentary awareness of lack in our biological bodies, once we have determined that we need vitamins or supplements which demands further attention. Don’t be cajoled into nutrition gap speak like, “Food doesn’t contain Vitamin D, it comes from the sun, so I must get it from supplemental form.” Not really, take your body’s hint! The need for more sun, may be a signal that you need a different job or lifestyle. Cubicle Nation under the wondrous rays of fluorescent lights may not support who you are. Supplements and vitamins mean you are not whole in health! What is needed in order to fill the gap to make you whole?
If we lack Vitamin C, let’s eat more organic oranges, red peppers, kale and Brussel sprouts. Even though those Acerola vitamins tastes damn good, — in fact, like chalky cherry candy from childhood — but they are not meant to be inhaled as such to carry you through life. Instead, use vitamin support to wean you off of a S.A.D (Standard American Diet) that is making malnutrition a part of you! Remember that the vitamin industry, is an industry that advertises and markets directly to you in order to keep itself alive. Not that I don’t do the same thing as a part of the wellness industry, but for me, my mission is not to have you as a customer for life. My mission is to help you get back to being in charge of your own life and not to be negligent and non-committal to the things that really matter.
As an alternative when you find yourself deficient look to use tinctures, extracts and homeopathic solutions. Another caution that homeopathy is not regulated and also not a game! Consult professional holistic healers, read the reviews on open commentary websites by real people, write those people for more information if need be create a discussion and a community on which to balance your learning. I have use and on occasion still use vitamin supplements but I prefer naturals extracts, tinctures and oils as a better remedy. Reason being, is that many people have gastrointestinal issues both known and unknown. For example, blockages, an overgrowth of bacteria, a colon lined with undigested and decaying flesh may all impede vitamin intake into the body, albeit blood. Faster ways to the blood stream such as inhalers, nasal spray, through the skin, suppositories and alas the more friendly of the bunch, tinctures and extracts can make way to the blood to aid in healing much faster than a time release capsule that must make its way through your digestive system. Simply placing a few drops of tincture under the tongue has as fast an impact on the body/blood as a suppository. This minimally invasive method will provide faster more healthful support. Lack of absorption is one of the main reasons taking vitamins is a more lengthy process. Moreover most of the vitamin stays in the urine and is expedited out of the body as the body will only absorb what it is able to and what is needed (with a few exceptions of minerals that may embed themselves in the fat deposits of your body.)
In summary, learn to take the wheel of your own health. Make the inquiry to nutrition and health fun! Remain curious and interested, not fatalistic. Positive thoughts are required at ALL times. This is a journey of the discovery of you! Become focused, aware and involved. By all means use the supplement industry when needed, as needed or as desired but not because it is a must to keep you on a tangential line of health, only as a measure until your levels of nutrition balance out again. Socrates said it best when he said...let food be thy vitamins!